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Five layout requirements of PCB circuit board components

Update Time : 2017-05-04 View : 2332
The layout of PCB circuit board components is the basic premise of designing high quality PCB diagram. On the requirements of the layout of the main components of the installation, force, heat, signal, aesthetic requirements in five areas.
Five layout requirements of PCB circuit board components
1, installation
In the specific application, in order to successfully install the circuit board into the chassis, shell, slot, without interference, short circuit accident, and make a series of basic requirements specified in the specified position or chassis connector on the shell of.
2, the force
The board should be able to withstand the external force and vibration during installation and operation. To this end, the circuit board should have a reasonable shape, the board on a variety of holes (screw holes, special-shaped hole) to the location of a reasonable arrangement. The distance between the hole and the plate is at least larger than the diameter of the hole. At the same time, attention should also be paid to the shape of the hole caused by the most weak cross-section of the plate should also have sufficient bending strength. The connector on the board is directly extended out of the casing of the device to be reasonably fixed, so as to ensure the reliability of long-term use.
3, heating
For high power, serious heating of the device, in addition to ensure the cooling conditions, but also pay attention to the placement of the appropriate location. In particular, the precision of the simulation system, we should pay special attention to the temperature field generated by these devices on the negative impact of the pre amplifier circuit. A very large part of the general power should be made into a separate module, and the signal processing circuit with a certain amount of thermal isolation measures.
4, signal
The most important factors to be considered in the design of PCB circuit board. The most basic aspects: circuit of weak signal and strong signal isolation circuit separately even separate AC and DC;; separate high frequency part and low frequency part; to pay attention to the signal line; wire layout; shielding, filtering and other appropriate measures.
5, beautiful
Not only to consider the orderly placement of components, but also to consider the line of beautiful and smooth. As a result of the general pedestrian sometimes more emphasis on the former, in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of circuit design, in order to image of the product, the performance requirements are not harsh when the priority is given to the former. However, in the case of high performance, if you have to use double-sided board, and the circuit board is also included in the inside, usually invisible, it should give priority to the beautiful line.
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Shenzhen Jingrun Electronic  Co., Ltd

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